This is a Lucky Tag!

Welcome to Lucky Tags, tagging your stuff with good intentions!

Ever lose your bag? Your keys? Phone? Favourite Teddy Bear?

Maybe we can help you get them back!

Here at Lucky Tags you can create a tag, FOR FREE, to attach to your stuff that will enable whoever finds it to quickly & easily reunite you again!

How does it work?

Just click "Create A Tag Now!" below and put in a few simple details (Name, Email), and we'll create you a unique QR coded tag that you can print out to attach to your stuff!
There's a few styles, you could make a luggage tag, key ring or even a sticker!
Did we mention it was free?
Stick it on, or laminate it, or even just pop it in your wallet/purse!
I don't have to be lost forever!
Then if someone finds your stuff they scan the tag and the power of humanity kicks in! *
* We can't guarantee that they'll return your item as we rely on good natured people, but we believe that folks are generally decent at heart!

Create A Tag

Create A Tag Now!

Tag your stuff straight away.
How's It Work?

How's It Work?

What happens behind the curtain!
I've Found One!

I've Found One!

Great stuff! Now what do you do?

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